Natural Anxiety Tools

honoring your sensitive heart + releasing anxiety from your body

B R E A T H E - specifically through your nose and slowly, try some box breathes: in 4, hold 4, release 4, hold 4

O I L S - use your calming oils + emotional support blends

W A T E R - when was the last time you had a big glass of water?

F R E S H A I R - walk outside, give thanks for the day, and place your feet on the earth

S L O W R H Y T H M S - build slowness into your days, let go of that hustle mentality + learn to enjoy your life

Anxiety is hard to explain and even harder to understand if you haven’t experienced it.

Thoughts racing so fast you can’t catch them.

Negative stories being replayed over and over in your mind.

Worst case scenarios playing out in your mind like television.

Heart racing, shortness of breath, panic settles in.

Adrenaline is released, you’re shaking, hyperventilating, and sobbing in the car.

“I can’t do this.” The thought you accept as true as you drive through the nearest chic fil a.

You just wanted to go to the grocery market.

At least that’s how it used to go for me. Working to heal ptsd + my mental health is the best gift I’ve given myself. Learning to honor and hold space for my emotions has been the greatest lesson of my journey. My depression looks like going numb and shutting off access to my emotional world. As a Highly Sensitive Person I feel very deeply, as a trauma survivor I have a lot of painful emotions to respect, process, and release.

O B S E R V E - name your thoughts and emotions

B R E A T H E - where do you feel this emotion physically? place your hand there and breath

H O N O R E M O T I O N S - respect the emotions that are present, they are valid, they are real

H O L D S P A C E F O R Y O U R S E L F - respect your journey + what it feels like to hold this emotion

R E L E A S E - let go of the story that no longer serves you, release the extra weight you are carrying

G R A T I T U D E - thank yourself for holding space + honoring your emotions, what a gift



Travel Tips + Tricks


Oils + Emotions