The Art of Slowing Down

For the month of December I gave up social media.. and I am enjoying my peace so much I’m considering keeping it deleted until I’m 30. Here is what I’ve learned about the art of slowing down, and how it is healing my heart.

Social media and I have a complicated love/ hate relationship. I love people, I love connecting with my friends + seeing their beautiful faces whenever I want, and I hate this feeling of disconnect that the online space cultivates. So I deleted the apps to reconnect with myself, the people who show up in my inner circle, and the simple daily rhythms that support my world.

update: I downloaded instagram and set the limit to an hour a day. I set my account to private and unfollowed everyone I didn’t personally know, and I created a separate account for blogging + wellness journalling. I’m excited to have these supportive boundaries where I can grow this business while maintaining privacy in my personal life.

So, how did this all come about?

In December 2021 my instagram account that I had for 10 years and build an online business with for 3 years was hacked in a matter of seconds. I had used that account to connect with my customers, provide them education, and give reminders to stick to their daily habits. I was never able to get the account back so I started a new one and began questioning my place on the app at all. I was heartbroken for another loss on my career journey. The day I got hacked was the week I closed my brick & mortar store, Greenrose. A lot to process, a lot of grief + sadness for the loss of two dreams that I worked so hard for.

The universe was telling me I need to shift, that what I was doing is no longer working. It was time to pivot and create more sustainable structures that would carry myself + my business for years to come. I built a website (Turmeric & Tattoos), I started a monthly email muse-letter, and I got back to hosting in person workshops for my local friends + community.

In the end, slowing down taught me how to go fast. When we slow down we can step back to visualize our dreams more clearly, to take time to make a game plan that is simple + duplicable.

Now, if you know me you know I move fast, I work hard, and I shift regularly. I am a manifesting generator, I have a lot of energy to work with, and I always will. Learning to slow down has been a big lesson on how to carry + wield the energy style you are given.

So, how do you slow down?

Literally slow the fuck down. Notice how you walk, eat, + care for your body, are you rushing through life, so focused on your future dreams that you’re missing out on the miracles happening every day?

Remind yourself throughout the day to slow down and see where you notice you are rushing or hustling. When you notice you are rushing through life, take a deep breath, say something kind to yourself, and take the next step a little slower.

tools to practice:

  • Set 15 minute timers to give grace to your time-anxiety. 15 minutes to pick up the kitchen, eat your breakfast, enjoy peace + quiet with your coffee, or encourage yourself to fold that last load of laundry.

  • 2 minute task rule - if it takes less than two minutes you have to do it when you think about it. Unloading the dishwasher, switching laundry, or taking out the trash.

  • Self Awareness. Commit to loving yourself through the growth edges. Notice how you speak to yourself when things get hard. Speak with kindness + love, practice truly caring for yourself.


Reading Your Birth Chart


Daily Rhythms